
Patrol Rifle Skills and Training

  The urban environment presents a unique set of circumstances which require officers to adapt their tactics to overcome the many obstacles contained within. As we’ve seen in Dallas, Baton Rouge, Orlando, San Bernardino, and a number of other areas across the country, the willingness of assailants to use rifles against law enforcement seems to be on the rise. As in the case in Baton Rouge, some of these individuals have a military background, including military combat training. Because of…

How to Advance Your Education and Career – Part I

Practical Advice for Helping You Achieve Your Degree – While Continuing on the Job Advancing your knowledge translates to personal satisfaction; career achievements; setting an example for others; and, many times, higher earnings potential. When you make the decision to study toward a degree or certificate, you’ve already taken the first step toward betterment. Now you need to answer more specific questions about your education plans: What are your goals for higher education? Are you seeking advancement in your present…

Tactical First Aid for Police Officers

Any tactical first aid kit should include combat vetted and tested treatments for the most common and deadly types of injuries found in a hazardous environment.“No widely accepted, specialized medical training exists for police officers confronted with medical emergencies while under conditions of active threat,” researchers noted in “Police officer response to the injured officer: […]

Rising up from the Ashes

The MSHP Fleet and Facilities Division confronts a calamity and rebounds with a remarkable new facility. It’s been 12 years (2004) since we last visited the Missouri State Highway Patrol Fleet and Facilities Division. Back then, we took an in-depth look at both their successful used vehicle sales program and at the talented folks at the General Headquarters Garage who make it all possible. This year marks the 85th anniversary of the Patrol and, from those humble beginnings in 1931,…

How to Go the Distance

 Solutions to the Problem of Getting Older Growing older remains one of life’s better practical jokes. Just when you’ve got it all figured out, the various parts of your body begin to betray you one by one. More so in law enforcement than most other professions, encroaching middle age can have an adverse impact on performance. Over time, many of us have found that heavy gun belts and long hours behind the wheel of a cruiser make for a perpetually…

Body Armor Update: 2016

The 23rd Annual Report on the Latest Advances in Ballistic Armor Technology and Design “During the past three decades, ballistic-resistant soft body armor has saved the lives of more than 3,000 police officers,” making it critical safety equipment for law enforcement, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) reports. Ballistic armor technology is constantly changing: incorporating new materials, improving performance and enhancing wearability. This article will provide some background to help you make the right body armor choices. We’ll end with…

Are Take-home Police Car Programs Doomed?

Once the exclusive domain of the state patrols, cities and counties of all sizes now have these programs. It’s been almost 11 years to the day since I last wrote about take-home police car programs in P&SN and, my, how times have changed! The word “unbelievable” comes to mind. The focus of that column was how departments were coping with the economy and the doom and gloom forecast of potential $5.00 a gallon gas prices. Well, that dire prediction never…


“…exposing the tactics that law enforcement uses to make confessions happen.” Just when you didn’t think another punch or kick was coming, here it comes, late – after the whistle – and even from someone who was on your side. I’m talking about James L. Trainum’s new book, How the Police Generate False Confessions: An Inside Look at the Interrogation Room (Rowman and Littlefield). There’s so much to say about the timing, the title and the tone of the arrival…

Dealing with On Duty Responders: How to Not Get Shot by Other Officers During Off Duty Incidents

Confrontations in which officers do not recognize others as police occur more often than most realize. As if the stress, confusion and general chaos which will probably define the environment immediately after you either use your weapon to defend yourself or your family or intervene in a situation, there is a very real danger – very, very real – of you being mistaken for a perp yourself by the responding on duty officers – and shot as a result. Here’s…

Primary to Secondary: An Easy Transition

When forced to switch from primary to secondary, speed is imperative. Some instructors will tell you to clear the malfunction on your rifle rather than automatically transitioning over to your handgun. Others will tell you to automatically transition over to your handgun and not worry about what’s going on with the rifle. They’re both right – depending on the circumstances. Quick Decision When considering making the switch from your primary weapon system (your rifle) to your secondary weapon system (your…