August 2020

NIJ Publication: Evidence-Based Policing in 45 Small Bytes

A new publication from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), this guidebook offers a practical framework for understanding Evidence-Based Policing (EBP). The framework is presented in 45 small “bytes” – a number which illustrates the broad function of policing in a society which expects a lot from its police agencies.      The guidebook covers topics such as gauging external and internal conditions; assessing performance; identifying and analyzing problems; and evaluating practices and testing alternatives. The guidebook emphasizes which data, analysis…

Police Chiefs and Prosecutors Find Common Ground

The Police Executive Research Forum brought together prosecutors and police executives from 11 jurisdictions in 2019 to look for common ground on criminal justice reform. Leaders from the group recognized that, in the growing national debate over criminal justice reform, police chiefs and prosecutors were often talking past each other instead of to each other. This new report from that forum details the discussions and presents a set of 12 common-ground principles agreed upon by the attendees. To read a…

Officer and Community Wellness Resources for Law Enforcement

A new National Public Safety Partnership (PSP) Clearinghouse toolkit has been curated by the PSP team to provide a suite of timely resources dedicated to assisting law enforcement with best practices for building community trust, strengthening relationships and increasing cultural understanding with diverse communities. The resources included also address officer resiliency and ways to mitigate the impact of stress on the duties of policing. For more information or to build your own customized toolkit, visit the PSP Web site at…

Department of Justice Awards Nearly $400 Million for Law Enforcement Hiring to Advance Community Policing

The Department of Justice recently announced nearly $400 million in grant funding through the Department’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) COPS Hiring Program (CHP). The Attorney General announced funding awards to 596 law enforcement agencies across the nation which allows those agencies to hire 2,732 additional full-time law enforcement professionals. The awards are inclusive of the $51 million announced in May 2020 as part of Operation Relentless Pursuit.   “The Department of Justice is committed to providing the police…