July 2024

NTOA Releases new Public Order and Tactical Response Operations Standards

The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) has announced the release of the latest versions of the Tactical Response Operations Standards (TROS) and the newly created Public Order Standards. These new standards signify a major milestone in the ongoing commitment to professionalism, top service and accountability within the law enforcement community. The TROS and new Public Order Standards are invaluable resources, equipping law enforcement professionals with the critical information necessary to handle complex and challenging situations effectively. The updated TROS reflects…

Drug-Impaired Driving: The Contribution of Emerging and Undertested Drugs

In 2022, an estimated 13.6 million people drove under the influence of illicit drugs. When investigating impaired driving cases and traffic fatalities, the National Safety Council currently recommends that forensic toxicology labs regularly test blood for 35 of the most common drugs and metabolites found in these cases.  However, limitations can interfere with our understanding of how frequently drug use contributes to impaired driving incidents. To better understand this, NIJ funded researchers from the Center for Forensic Science Research and…

Grounding and Your Justification for It

John G. Peters, Jr., Ph.D.; Darrell L. Ross, Ph.D.; and Michael Brave, Esq. ©2024. A.R.R. The grounding of an individual is an expanding area in civil litigation, expected to persist for many years. The potential complexities involved when law enforcement officers ground a subject often necessitate a careful balance of legal, tactical and medical factors. A Fourth Amendment seizure occurs either (1) by a Law Enforcement Officer’s (LEO’s) application of physical force, however slight, with intent to restrain, or (2)…

A Review of Patrol Techniques to Reduce Serious Injury and Fatality Crashes

Written by the National Policing Institute (NPI), this article presents the findings of George Mason University’s (GMU’s) evaluation of the implementation of the Fatality Reduction Enforcement Program (FREE) at the Iowa State Patrol (ISP) in 2018 and 2019. GMU’s evaluation suggests that FREE reduced crashes involving impaired driving in the program area by 18% in year one and may have contributed to more significant reductions in speed-related crashes. Law enforcement leaders may consider this approach to complement other strategies used…

2024 Report on the Cybersecurity Posture of the United States

Released by the Executive Office of the President (EOP) in collaboration with the Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD), this report assesses the effectiveness of national cyber policy and strategy and the status of the implementation of national cyber policy and strategy by federal departments and agencies. This report also highlights cybersecurity threats and issues facing the United States, including new or emerging technologies which may affect national security, economic prosperity and the rule of law. Download a copy…

2024 Innovations in Body Armor and Ballistic Materials

Jake Ganor What are the latest developments and advancements in technologies designed to improve ballistic protection? The past year has been a big one for the body armor industry. It has seen the release of a new polyethylene fiber for armor applications – which is momentous, as UHMWPE (Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene) composites are now the most important material in body armor development – and the National Institute for Justice’s 0101.07 specification for body armor has been formally launched. The…

Busted! Real Stories of Genuine Absurdity July/August 2024

James L. McClinton, Ph.D. Taking rush delivery to a whole new level… Recently released video of a traffic stop along Route 20 west of Fremont, Ohio, showed body cam footage from a Sandusky County deputy. He had just pulled over a USPS mail van for speeding, going more than 100 mph in a 60 mph zone. “Is there a reason you’re going over 100?” video showed the deputy asking the 28-year-old female driver, to which the driver replied, “I didn’t…


RAMESH NYBERG Guardians of the Deep Blue There is a place where crime goes largely unnoticed. What’s more, it’s a huge place – you can’t go in any direction and not find it. Rampant criminal acts, such as fraud, widespread theft, false imprisonment, rape, and even murder occur with impunity, because these serious violations are both unreported and hidden from public view. Astonishingly, this “place” is the largest geographic entity on the planet: our oceans. I’ve always had an interest…

Youth Law Enforcement Experience Programs as a Potential Recruitment Pipeline

Law enforcement agencies across the United States use youth law enforcement programs such as camps, Explorers, internships, and vocational education programs to introduce young people to the potential of a law enforcement career. The decline in law enforcement applicant pools makes such engagement strategies even more necessary. To help determine the reach and effectiveness of these programs, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) funded RAND, in partnership with the Law and Public Safety Education Network, to conduct…

Trauma Notification Training

Developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), this course was designed to instruct law enforcement, first responders, victim specialists, and allied professionals on a four step, evidence informed approach to providing trauma or death notifications to the next of kin. The course highlights various challenges, including best practices for making notifications through a culturally inclusive lens. The course was recently refreshed and now features an expanded availability, as well as eight new videos which illustrate best practices for delivering…