….and nothing but the truth


RAMESH NYBERG Guardians of the Deep Blue There is a place where crime goes largely unnoticed. What’s more, it’s a huge place – you can’t go in any direction and not find it. Rampant criminal acts, such as fraud, widespread theft, false imprisonment, rape, and even murder occur with impunity, because these serious violations are both unreported and hidden from public view. Astonishingly, this “place” is the largest geographic entity on the planet: our oceans. I’ve always had an interest…

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…AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH January/February 2023

Ramesh Nyberg From Defund to Retool The joke goes: A man is having a bad day. He gets fired from work, goes out to find his car vandalized, then goes home to find that his home was burglarized. It’s a busy day in the district and the nearest available officer is a K-9 unit. The sunglasses-wearing officer gets out and the German Shepherd comes bounding out of the vehicle after him. The man laments, “Oh, God…I’ve been fired…my car gets…