
Managing the Risks of Public Safety Artificial Intelligence

John G. Peters, Jr., Ph.D., and John Black, D.B.A. ©2024. A.R.R. The growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing at such an accelerated rate that it’s becoming increasingly challenging to stay up to date. AI is the simulation of human intelligence in machines using algorithms which is designed to perform complex tasks which, historically, only humans could do using human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning and problem-solving. Like any technology, it can be, and has been, deliberately misused (e.g., Deepfakes,…

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Key Steps to Managing a Cybercrime Scene

Ron LaPedis A cybercrime scene is much more challenging for investigators to manage than a physical crime scene. To address these challenges, law enforcement needs to continuously adapt and innovate to effectively combat cyber threats and ensure justice is served in the digital age. Cops receive training in the academy, as well as guidance by their FTO and senior partner on how to handle a physical crime scene. For example, before entering a suspected bomb builder’s lair, you already know…