May 2021

New Investigations Book Available: The Ten Must-Haves to Be a Great Detective

Retired Homicide Detective Ramesh Nyberg shares tips and techniques from his 27 year law enforcement career and his ten years of operating a private investigation agency. This new book is filled with information and guidance you can use to be the best detective possible. Surveillance, tech tools, interviews, and valuable investigative strategies are included. Detective Nyberg worked in one of law enforcement’s most elite homicide offices at the Miami-Dade Police Department starting in the 1980s. He was right in the…

Legal Update May/June 2021

Larry E. Holtz, Esq. An Unsuccessful Attempt to Stop a Suspect Is a “Seizure” In Torres v. Madrid (US 3-25-21), the United States Supreme Court addressed the question of whether a seizure occurs when an officer shoots someone who temporarily eludes capture after the shooting. The answer, according to the Court, is “Yes. The application of physical force to the body of a person with intent to restrain is a seizure, even if the force does not succeed in subduing…

BUSTED! – Real Stories of Genuine Absurdity May/June 2021

James L. McClinton, Ph.D. The “wurst” story of the day… US Border agents caught a vehicle carrying 194 pounds of contraband Mexican bologna into the US at the New Mexico border, Customs and Border Protection announced. Agents stopped a Nissan SUV at the Columbus border crossing; searched the vehicle; and found 22 large, red packaged rolls in the trunk and some “hidden” in the driver’s luggage. The agency says “bologna is a prohibited product because it is made from pork…

How to Enhance Your Performance with Firearms – Part 1

Mike Boyle These days, law enforcement officers are operating in an increasingly hostile environment. The past year has been particularly rough on law enforcement officers. Between the COVID-19 pandemic and large-scale social unrest, the police have been stretched to the limit and bear the brunt of public frustration. To further compound the problem, calls to defund the police have actually gained traction in some areas, although it appears this position is not widely held. One very disturbing trend largely ignored…


RAMESH NYBERG What Happened to Antonio? November 30th of this year will mark 15 years since I retired. On that day, someone said something you’ve probably all heard before: “You never get police work out of your blood.”I scoffed.            You think I miss getting called out in the middle of the night for a dead crack dealer? Do you think I miss my uniform days, getting shot at, bricks and bottles thrown at me, and getting called every name in…