September 2018

The Wheels of Justice September October 2018

Sergeant James Post A CONDENSED HISTORY OF POLICE CAR ENGINES PART TWO This is the second part of our retrospective covering police car engines starting in 1932 when Henry Ford’s first V-8 appeared. We’ve covered other significant engines, too, such as the big- and small-blocks from Ford® and GM and, of course, the Gen I and II HEMI®s from Chrysler. Along the way, we also discussed some of the significant police cars which were powered by these engines. Part two…

Legal Update September October 2018

Larry E. Holtz, Esq. Supreme Court Protects Cell Phone Location Information             Does an individual have a constitutional right of privacy in his (or her) cell phone location information? Recently, in Carpenter v. United States (US 6-22-18), the United States Supreme Court said, “Yes!” The Case: Police arrested four men suspected of robbing a series of RadioShack® and (ironically enough) T-Mobile® stores in Detroit. One of the men confessed that, over the previous four months, the group had robbed nine…

BUSTED! – Real Stories of Genuine Absurdity September October 2018

James L. McClinton, Ph.D. So, where does a thief work after he gets “canned”?… The sheriff of Bay County, Florida, was on his way to lunch with his chief deputy and a major when they heard an emergency call broadcast: An armed robbery suspect was at a food store in Youngstown. The trio was closest, so they quickly responded. The suspect exited the store holding a hammer as if it was a gun, but retreated back into the store with…

Law Enforcement Leadership September October 2018

Michael Carpenter The New Commander – Problems and Solutions    “Congratulations, Lieutenant. You are hereby promoted and assigned to the 7th District as the commander of that unit. Good luck!” These can be exciting words at the promotion ceremony, but both the agency and the new commander might be surprised at what he/she may be facing after receiving those new stripes or bars. The phrase “good luck!” can have a very positive meaning when the preconceived ideas of becoming a…

…AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH September/October 2018

Ramesh Nyberg Policing is anything but simple these days. Policing in the 21st century has taken on some pretty complex and interesting tasks. We’ve gone from the cheery “constable” who used to walk down the sidewalk, twirling a baton, to a high-tech entity carrying things like TASER®s, body-worn cameras and weapons with laser sights. Our “control and regulation” is way beyond the simple scope of poking our head into the doors of shopkeepers and asking how their day is going….