BJS Releases “State and Local Law Enforcement Training Academies and Recruits, 2022 – Statistical Tables”

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics has recently released, “State and Local Law Enforcement Training Academies and Recruits, 2022 – Statistical Tables.”

The report describes the number and types of law enforcement training academies in the United States in 2022 and it presents findings on the characteristics of recruits and training outcomes. Findings in the report are based primarily on the 2022 Census of Law Enforcement Training Academies (CLETA), the fifth iteration of the data collection.

Conducted periodically since 2002, CLETA collects information from training academies which are responsible for administering mandatory basic training to newly appointed or elected law enforcement officers on recruits, staff, training curricula, equipment, and facilities. These academies are operated by state, regional, county, and municipal agencies and by universities, colleges and technical schools.

Download the full report (PDF)